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Should You Aim High To Achieve Your Goals?

Nima Nadali

1st August 2022

"Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" has long been regarded as common wisdom regarding goal-setting. But is this usually the right course of action? Let's review the benefits and drawbacks of establishing lofty objectives and determine when it may be preferable to aim lower.

The Advantages of Ambitious Aims

There are numerous advantages to setting ambitious objectives that might motivate us to achieve success. First and foremost, ambitious objectives provide direction and a sense of purpose. When we have a distinct destination in mind, it is simpler to maintain focus and motivation along the way.

Additionally, ambitious objectives force us out of our comfort zones and foster personal development. When we establish ambitious goals, we are compelled to grow and acquire new abilities, knowledge, and experience. This not only helps us attain our objective, but also prepares us for future obstacles.

Another advantage of ambitious objectives is that they can generate excitement and expectation. When we set high ideals, we are motivated by the possibility of achieving them and the excitement of the journey towards them. This enthusiasm and vitality can fuel our efforts and help us overcome barriers.

The Drawbacks of Ambitious Aims

While ambitious objectives might be advantageous, they can sometimes have undesirable repercussions. First, ambitious objectives can cause worry and anxiety, especially if we believe we are not making sufficient progress quickly enough. This stress can have detrimental effects on our health and well-being, and even lead to burnout.

If we fall short of our expectations, we may experience disappointment and a sense of failure, which is yet another possible disadvantage of setting lofty objectives. This can harm our self-esteem and decrease our likelihood of setting objectives in the future.

Moreover, lofty objectives can be impractical and impossible. When we set ourselves up for failure by aiming too high, we risk becoming disheartened. Even if we make substantial progress towards our objective, this might lead to a lack of motivation and a diminished sense of accomplishment.

When Aiming Lower

While ambitious objectives have their benefits, they may not always be the best strategy. In some instances, it may be advantageous to aim lower and establish more attainable objectives.

For instance, if you are a novice in a new profession, it may be more practical to set modest objectives that help you gain experience and develop your talents. After establishing a firm foundation, you can set more ambitious objectives.

Additionally, if you are experiencing stress or mental health concerns, it may be prudent to set less demanding and less likely to produce extra stress goals.

The Value of Balancing High and Low Objectives

Ultimately, the secret to success is achieving a balance between high and low objectives. Low objectives can help us maintain concentration and avoid burnout while high goals can provide motivation and drive us to achieve accomplishment.

It is crucial, when creating goals, to evaluate both the rewards and drawbacks of high goals and to choose a target that is demanding yet attainable. This may entail setting a mix of high and modest goals, or modifying your goals as your circumstances evolve.

Final Thoughts 

Setting ambitious objectives can be a potent driver of achievement and personal development. However, it is essential to analyse both the rewards and drawbacks of ambitious goals and establish the optimal balance for your situation. Whether you aim high or modest, it is essential to have a clear path and a strategy for achieving your goals.